for Your Library, Boy/Girl Scouts, Art
Center, Book Fair
(For school
programs and talks, click here.)
- Your command of the classroom and
ability to raise the creative level of
your students in a very short time were
awesome to behold!
- Anne
Just, Director
Great Barrington Libraries

the photo to see more pictures
- The Creative Process
- Write a Character Study
- Focus on the beginning,
middle, end and twist of a story
- Create Layouts
- Invitation
- Exhibition
After the last workshop, the
doors open to parents, friends,
relatives, the community, and the
local press. Your students show and
talk about their work. The "Graphic
Novel Exhibition" attracts a lot of
attention and often results in
newspaper articles. Having artwork in
the newspaper is great for a student's
self-esteem and for their portfolio.
Here's what
students said: Lillie: I
definitely enjoyed the workshop. Before
I thought of cartooning as a difficult,
almost impossible writing and drawing
process, but Barbara made the steps so
clear it made creating cartoons
possible. I liked working with so many
intelligent and talented participants.
Since I am home schooled, I found it
motivating to work with Barbara and the
class. The exercises she gave us helped
me to keep working. I found myself
motivated to think about, and to try,
and to work on my cartoons.
Wren: I have been reading comics all my
life, but have never known someone who
created them. It was awesome to meet
her. It was inspiring the way Barbara
explained the complicated process of
cartooning and made things clear and
Parents of the students
wrote: Paul (Alex’s father): I
feel very positive and enthusiastic
about the workshop. It has increased
Alex’s interest in the art form and I
see the influence of the workshop in
his other artwork as well. As a
teacher, Barbara has good engagement
with the students and worked with them
in a non-judgmental manner.
Lori (Angelica’s stepmother): The
workshop has helped Angelica to pay
more attention to detail. I also saw
her develop more depth in her thinking
when she created a character. She
tends to be a shy person and drawing
and writing gives her an outlet. I
feel the workshop has been an answer
to a prayer in bringing her out of her
shell. Thank you Barbara from the
bottom of my heart.
A teacher wrote: Wow!!! What an impressive
workshop you led for the children today.
Your presentation was fabulous! I cannot
thank you enough for the time you spent
preparing your class and for the energy,
patience, and enthusiasm you brought to
the experience. You taught me so much
about how to approach narrative writing
and how to draw ideas from children and
how to support them. The students were
mesmerized by the information you shared,
by your life experiences, by your
knowledge, and by your expertise and
talents. Thank you so very much for being
willing to be a role model for the kids.Virginia Peterson, Berkshire
Country Day School